• Theatre in Los Altos


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  • Live theatre abounds in Los Altos with opportunities to attend and participate in productions year round. Musicals, dramas, adult comedies, youth theatre, and plays for children are produced in a variety of local theatre spaces. All welcome participants and volunteers to join in the creative spirit.

    97 Hillvew Ave.
    (650) 941-0551

    LOS ALTOS STAGE COMPANY produces five shows a year in the intimate 100 seat Bus Barn Theatre, next to the Hillview Community Center. Los Altos Stage Company is a professionally managed company, producing plays and musicals that reflect the diverse tastes of the community and providing an atmosphere in which actors, directors and designers can create quality theatre. Opening night parties, group rates, and reduced subscription ticket prices are offered. For information about tickets, volunteering, or to receive a season brochure, phone 941-0551 or check our website at www.busbarn.org.

    For information about auditions, call the production office at 941-5070.


    Foothill College
    12345 El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hills
    Tickets: (650) 949-7360

    FOOTHILL COLLEGE THEATRE ARTS DEPARTMENT, FOOTHILL MUSIC THEATRE produce shows in the on-campus Smithwick and Lohman theatres that spotlight the high quality of training and professionalism at Foothill College. Award-winning Foothill Music Theatre presents two fully staged musicals each year, in February and July, many of which receive Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle and Drama-Logue awards. The college's theatre arts department also produces several plays throughout the year, including comedies, dramas and a one-act festival. Both programs enthusiastically endorse non-traditional casting, and auditions are open actors of all backgrounds in any role.

    For information about auditions and upcoming shows, or to purchase tickets online, access www.foothill.edu/theatre/index.php. To purchase tickets by phone, call (650) 949-7360

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    Hillview Community Center
    97 Hillview Ave.
    (650) 947-2796

    LOS ALTOS YOUTH THEATRE is the award-winning program in which the City of Los Altos Recreation & Community Services Department strives to create a supportive, nurturing environment and where actors learn and practice the craft of acting, while simultaneously applying the skills of cooperation, collaboration, responsibility, and respect. Young actors are challenged but not pushed - always with the belief that the most positive process yields the most positive result. Active for over 40 years, LAYT produces three shows each year.

    For information about auditioning or tickets phone (650) 947-2796 or visit http://www.losaltosca.gov/recreation/page/los-altos-youth-theatre